Friday 20 October 2017

Vedic civilization

Vedic civilization.  

  • Vedic period was from 1500-600 BC

  • In the Vedic period, Arya has been told about

  • the language of the Aryans was Sanskrit

  • Arya first came to live in Punjab and Afghanistan

  • Arya created a civilization called Vedic

  • Rural civilization started by Aryans

  • The head of the village was called rural and Bishop was the head of Bishish.

  • The ruler of the people was called the kingit is believed that a group of Aryans also went to Iran, Iran and Persia towards India. The texts of Avesta, the earliest texts of the Iranian language, are similar to the Rigveda. If you look at this linguistic symmetry, the Rigveda's composition comes 1000 AD. But in the records of 1400 B.C. found in Bogaj-Koi (Asia Minor), it can be considered as a period of time behind the Hindu Gods Ind, Mitravarun, Nastya.

In the Rigvedic period, the residence of the Aryans was between the Indus and the Saraswati rivers. Later they had spread throughout North India. The main area of ​​civilization was the grounds of the Ganges and its tributaries. Ganga is today considered to be the most sacred river of India. In this period Vish has expanded and many people have become extinct. Bharat, Tritsu and Tuvas disappeared from the political circles, whereas Puru became more powerful than before. In eastern Uttar Pradesh and Bihar, some new states were developed like Kashi, Kosala, Videh (Mithila), Magadha and Organs.

Vedic literature

  •  In Vedic literature, four Vedas and their codes, Brahmin, Aranyak, Upanishads and Vedanga are included.

  • The number of Vedas is four- Rigveda, Samaveda, Yajurveda and Atharvaveda.

  • Rigveda, Samved, Yajurveda and Atharvaved are the world's first authentic texts.
  • The Vedas have been called apurushya. Vedas have been termed as "Shruti" due to Guru's verbal abuse by the guru.

Rig Veda

A collection of compositions related to the praise of the Rigveda Gods.

It is divided into 10 divisions. In this, the Mandals from 2 to 7 are considered to be the oldest. The first and the tenth board have been added later. There are 1028 vaccine in it.

In the Rig Veda, there is mention of 33 gods (substances containing divine qualities).

The famous Gayatri Mantra, which is addressed to the goddess Gayatri associated with the Sun, is first received in Rigveda.

The name of its priest is Horatia.

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