Monday 30 October 2017

About the Maurya period

Chandragupta Maurya and his minister Kautilya founded the Maurya dynasty.they defeated the King of Nandh Bansh. they made his country as an strongest country. And from the same, Maurya dynasty was born.The Mauryan dynasty (322-185 BC) was a powerful and great dynasty of ancient India. It ruled in 137 years in India

The kingdom begins with the banks of the Ganges from Magadha State.Its capital was Patliputra . Which is now Patna Vihar .

The language of the Maurya period was Sanskrit, Pali, , Greek, Army.The language of the Maurya period was Sanskrit, Pali, Greek, Army. In the Maurya Period, three religions followed.

Hindu, Buddhist, Jain

Chandragupta Maurya had divided the governance operation smoothly to four states, which were called chakras. The rule of these provinces was governed by the emperor's representative. In the time of Emperor Asoka, the number of provinces was five. These were the provinces-

Prachi - Pataliputra 

North Coast - Taxila

Dakshinapath - Suvarnagiri

Avanti Nation - Ujjayini

Kalinga - Tossley.


             The coin of this period was the silver coin (wage)

             50 million km² [1] (parts of South Asia and some Central Asia)

              5 million  (one-third of the world's population )

The development of Maurya art was done in the era of Maurya Empire in India . In religious places like Sarnath and Kushinagar, monoliths and monasteries themselves as stupas and viharas form their structure. The impressive and sacred forms of the Mauryan period are still found in these columns of stones today in areas such as Sarnath, Allahabad, Meerut, Kaushambi, Sankisa and Varanasi.

The philosophy of the new and great form of the Mauryacala is found in the pillars of Ashoka. These columns of stone are symbols of the great art of that period. The stone pillars built and established by Ashoka in all the art works of the Mauryan age are the most important and unprecedented. Columns were flown towards the ground several feet below. On this part peacock shapes have remained. There is amazing lube and glow on the top part of the earth. Of the columns of Mauryakh, Phahyan has mentioned 6 columns and Yuvvanchwang has written 15 columns. Cave building art was also at the peak of this period. Dasarath, the grandson of Ashoka, built some caves for the residence of Shramans on the hills of Barabar, 19 miles from Gaya. Their inner wall is brightly colored. The Cave of Lomash Rishi was created by the emperor Ashoka's grandson property in the Maurya period. This cave is incomplete. The masonry gauge is still present on its arches. Such mosaic was done on wood in ancient times.

How many days have the state been ruled by the Maurya period

Chandragupta Maurya - 323-298 BC

  Bindusar -        298-273 BC

Emperor Asoka - 273-232 BC

Kunal - 232-224 BC

Dasharatha Maurya -232-224 BC

Presently - 224-215 BC

Shalisuk-215-202 BC

Devavarman - 202-195 BC

Shatdhavnain Maurya - 195-187 BC

Greater Maury - 187-185 BC

Saturday 28 October 2017



Siddhartha was born in Lumbini Jungle 563 years ago from Isa. Lumbini is between Nepal's Nepal and Kapalvastu and 15 km from Nautanwa station in southern Nepal. The queen of Siddhartha Kapilavastu was the son of Mahamaya Devi and Raja Shudoddan. It is said that the Maharani Mahamaya Devi was once going to her mother-in-law Devdah. During this time, he gave birth to Siddhartha in the jungle.
Seven days after Siddhartha's birth, his mother was killed, after which her aunt Gautami raised her. Siddhartha learned from Vishwamitra Vedas, Upanishads, Rajakas and the teachings of warfare. Wrestling, horse racing, arrows and arrows, no one could compete with him in the chariot.

Wednesday 25 October 2017


MAHABHRATA IS THE OLDEST BOOK IN THE WORLD.THE Mahabharat is known by another name, Jai Sahaghita
The Mahabharata is a major poetry book of Hindus who comes to the memory class. Sometimes this poetry, sometimes called "India", is India's unique religious, mythological, historical and philosophical treatise. The world's longest literary treatise and epic is one of the main texts of Hindu religion. This text is considered to be the fifth Vedas in Hinduism.  Although it is considered to be one of the most unique works of literature, but this book is still an exemplary source for every Indian. This work is a saga of the history of ancient India. In this, the sacred book of Hindu religion is embodied with Bhagavad Gita. There are about 1,10,000 verses in the entire Mahabharata , which is ten times greater in magnitude than the Greek poet Iliad and Odyssey. 

Vedavas ji, the author of this verse, has described the mysterious mysteries of Vedas, Vedanga and Upanishads in this unique verse.
Apart from this, this verse has also been explained in detail in detail in the fields of justice, education, medicine, astrology, warfare, yogic, economics, architecture, crafts, crafts, astronomy and theology.

The answer to every single question is given in the Mahabharata.This book has been told about Lord Shri Krishna and lord balram.

 Whatever is said in the Mahabharata, it is present in this world. And what has not been told about it will not be found

Friday 20 October 2017

Vedic civilization

Vedic civilization.  

  • Vedic period was from 1500-600 BC

  • In the Vedic period, Arya has been told about

  • the language of the Aryans was Sanskrit

  • Arya first came to live in Punjab and Afghanistan

  • Arya created a civilization called Vedic

  • Rural civilization started by Aryans

  • The head of the village was called rural and Bishop was the head of Bishish.

  • The ruler of the people was called the kingit is believed that a group of Aryans also went to Iran, Iran and Persia towards India. The texts of Avesta, the earliest texts of the Iranian language, are similar to the Rigveda. If you look at this linguistic symmetry, the Rigveda's composition comes 1000 AD. But in the records of 1400 B.C. found in Bogaj-Koi (Asia Minor), it can be considered as a period of time behind the Hindu Gods Ind, Mitravarun, Nastya.

In the Rigvedic period, the residence of the Aryans was between the Indus and the Saraswati rivers. Later they had spread throughout North India. The main area of ​​civilization was the grounds of the Ganges and its tributaries. Ganga is today considered to be the most sacred river of India. In this period Vish has expanded and many people have become extinct. Bharat, Tritsu and Tuvas disappeared from the political circles, whereas Puru became more powerful than before. In eastern Uttar Pradesh and Bihar, some new states were developed like Kashi, Kosala, Videh (Mithila), Magadha and Organs.

Vedic literature

  •  In Vedic literature, four Vedas and their codes, Brahmin, Aranyak, Upanishads and Vedanga are included.

  • The number of Vedas is four- Rigveda, Samaveda, Yajurveda and Atharvaveda.

  • Rigveda, Samved, Yajurveda and Atharvaved are the world's first authentic texts.
  • The Vedas have been called apurushya. Vedas have been termed as "Shruti" due to Guru's verbal abuse by the guru.

Rig Veda

A collection of compositions related to the praise of the Rigveda Gods.

It is divided into 10 divisions. In this, the Mandals from 2 to 7 are considered to be the oldest. The first and the tenth board have been added later. There are 1028 vaccine in it.

In the Rig Veda, there is mention of 33 gods (substances containing divine qualities).

The famous Gayatri Mantra, which is addressed to the goddess Gayatri associated with the Sun, is first received in Rigveda.

The name of its priest is Horatia.

Tuesday 10 October 2017

Glimpse of ancient India

People from Harappan used to trade metal steel in the Indus Civilization  
  1. But those who want raw material for them were not in their city.For this, they had to relate to traders outside, and in this business they did not use coins

 The people of Harappan civilization used to do business by exchange
 Trades of merchandise were printed by artists and traders on their seal and on the other hand the marks were sent. The weight-measurement and measurement balance is an important contribution to the business work. The ratio of weights used in Mohanjodaro, Harappa, Lothal and Kalibanga was 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 160, 200, 320 etc. The wires were diameter, circular, cylindrical, conical, and hollow. The unit of weighment was probably in 16 proportion. Mohan josadera seep and lothal got a one-dimensional scale made of tooth teeth.

Main crops of Indus Civilization were wheat and barley.
Some crops of Indus Civilization were such that at certain places

Wheat crop which wa People of Indus Civilization used two kinds of wheat and three types of which were useds cultivated in Indus Civilization was found mostly in Rajasthan and Gujarat.

    Monday 9 October 2017





    When it comes to INDIA (Bharat/Hindustan), people remember only one and only thing and that is HINDUSM (Hindutva). But India does not mean only HINDUSM (Hindutva). Hindusm is no religion, it is a civilization. India had a long-lived civilization and culture. It covered several countries including modern-day India, Pakistan, Myanmar and Bangladesh.





    The Indus Valley Civilization flourished from about 2600 BCE to 1900 BCE. It marked the beginning of the urban civilization on the subcontinent. It was centred on the Indus River and its tributaries. The civilization is famous for its cities that were built of brick, had a road-side drainage system and multi-storied houses.






    During the Maurya Empire, founded in 321 BCE, most of the Indian subcontinent was united under a single government for the first time. Ashoka the Great who in the beginning sought to expand his kingdom, then followed a policy of ahimsa (non-violence) after converting to Buddhism. The Edicts of Ashoka are the oldest preserved historical documents of India, and under Ashoka Buddhist ideals spread across the whole of East Asia and South-East Asia.


    Bimbisara (born 543- 491 BCE ) one of the early kings of the indian kingdom of magdha He was of the Harik dynasty. bimbisara also known as...